Vegas Valley - Housing Unit Density by Precinct

The map represents the number of housing units by voting precinct for Nevada’s Las Vegas valley.

The housing unit information comes from the US Census Bureau’s 2020 Census data.

Housing unit counts are different from population counts.

From the Census Bureau:

Housing Units

A housing unit is a living quarters in which the occupant or occupants live separately from any other individuals in the building and have direct access to their living quarters from outside the building or through a common hall. Housing units are usually houses, apartments, mobile homes, groups of rooms, or single rooms that are occupied as separate living quarters. They are residences for single individuals, for groups of individuals, or for families who live together. A single individual or a group living in a housing unit is defined to be a household. Additional details about housing for the elderly population and group homes are provided in the section “Housing for the Older Population.”

For vacant housing units, the criteria of separateness and direct access are applied to the intended occupants whenever possible. Nontraditional living quarters, such as boats, RVs, and tents, are considered housing units ONLY if someone is living in them and they are either the occupant’s usual residence or the occupant has no usual residence elsewhere. These nontraditional living arrangements are not considered housing units if they are vacant.

Housing units are classified as being either occupied or vacant.

Sources: 2020 Census (P.L. 94-171) Redistricting Data Summary Files 2020 Census (P.L. 94-171) Geographic Products

QGIS was the Geographic Information System (GIS) software used for this project Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel were used to prepare the data